Attention-Deficit /
Hyperactivity Disorder


We provide assessment for individuals who believe they may have ADHD and individual coaching for those who have been diagnosed and are experiencing day-to-day difficulties.

Many clients with ADHD report problems in one or more of the areas below:

  • Attention - Staying focused in meetings or during conversations, concentrating on work, being easily distracted

  • Organization - Managing appointments, finances, medications, to-do items

  • Impulsivity - Interrupting others, taking risks, over-spending

  • Being late

  • Fidgeting

  • Feeling overwhelmed by day-to-day tasks

Does this sound like you?

  • “I’m having a lot of trouble focusing at work.”

  • “My mind often wanders in meetings or during conversations.”

  • “I'm embarrassed that I can’t focus as well as others and I try to hide it.”

  • “I’m worried about my memory.”

  • "I'm distracted by my thoughts, noises I hear, pretty much everything!"

  • "I start one task, get distracted by an email or IM, and before I know it I've moved on to several other tasks without completing the first one."

  • I'm easily overwhelmed by the many different tasks I have to juggle in a day."

  • "I can read a paragraph 3 times and the information doesn't sink in."

We help clients work through these and other types of challenges.


After working together, you’ll have the tools to address difficulties and capitalize on your strengths.


Throughout our time together, we will collaboratively develop targeted strategies to improve attention, concentration, organization, and task completion. Take the first step to understanding your strengths and better management of your symptoms.



Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

There are many reasons an individual can experience problems with attention/concentration. Many of my clients have experienced shame or embarrassment about their difficulties, often leading to anxiety or symptoms of depression.

For some clients, symptoms of inattention could be due to Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, sometimes also known as ADD). Attention and concentration difficulties can also be due to stress, sleep difficulties, depression, substance use, or a combination of any of the above.


What You Can Expect From Your Appointment

We start by discussing your specific concerns and how your symptoms are impacting day-to-day functioning.

Virtual and in-person appointments are available.

We’ll spend time discussing any concerns you have about navigating the multiple demands you face on a daily basis.

For example, difficulties focusing at work or home, problems with organization or task completion.

Using a variety of evidence-based interventions, we will provide you with strategies and tools for managing (or compensating for) areas of difficulty.

You’ll be responsible for implementing the strategies, then we’ll work together to determine what obstacles you faced, which strategies were most successful, and impact of the strategies on your work or personal performance.


Appointments are 50 minutes long. Most clients see us for 6-10 sessions; however, some clients might only need 2-4 sessions and others may prefer to work with us for a longer time period.


Ready to uncover and optimize your strengths?

It all starts today.